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29 avr. 2021
Inviter le Yoga au travail
Particulièrement en ces temps chargés, beaucoup ressentent le besoin de ralentir et de se délester un peu de la charge mentale qui pèse.

21 avr. 2021
Le Yoga 2 par 2
Dans cet esprit de connexion et de partage, j’enseigne parfois des cours tout spéciaux de Yoga avec partenaire!

20 avr. 2020
Covid-19 How can Yoga help?
These days are quite intense. There is a very real heavy load hanging above all our heads, waiting for our recklessness to unleash its...

25 sept. 2019
What Yoga taught me
Here are some of the most important things Yoga taught me so far.

20 août 2019
What's Vinyasa Yoga?
#Vinyasa is probably one of the better known #Yoga styles in the West. It is a North American variation to more traditional types of...

11 juin 2019
Is Yoga for you?
I know I am just rambling, but, that’s only the plain cold simple truth : Yoga is for everyone! I am very much aware that, these days, in...

7 févr. 2019
Will yoga make you zen?
“ Omg, you look so zen.” “ Wow you are so peaceful.” “ Of course you are zen, you do yoga.” Those are comments I often hear or see about...

4 oct. 2018
4 quick health benefits of yoga
Yoga is an ancient philosophy which was born in India, thousands of years ago. Its purposes are multiple, from attaining enlightenment to...

6 août 2018
How yoga can change your life
Yoga can actually change your life. There, I said it. Think I am crazy or brainwashed or something? Maybe. Maybe not. In our westernized...

25 juin 2018
The Antistress chronicle
Reducing stress, one life-hack at a time, so you can live your truest most wonderful life. *Note that in no way I am a health...

14 juin 2018
What is yoga?
Yes, in fact, what really is yoga? An infinite number of physical postures that we perform one after the other? A weird hippy practice...

24 mai 2018
Finding yoga
From a shopping addict fashionista in a quest for her true self to a desperate Californian housewife to a very happy yogini. I think that...
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